滤筒型排风柜用途: 用于对主机滚筒进行抽风(附吸尘),并保持工作区域负压,该机器内部为滤筒(压缩空气脉冲除尘)结构,过滤等级可达F9级,也可根据客户要求高达H13级配有减震装置。排风口设有防倒流装置,在停机前关闭排风口,防止排风管路中的废气回流。 The cabinet is used to extract the air from the host drum (attached dust collection), keep negative pressure in the work area. The machine is the cartridge (compressed air pulse dust removal) structure. The fltration level F9 can be realized. Based on customer requirements, the filtration level H13 can be realized, and there is damping device. The exhaust outlet is equipped with the backllow preventer. Before switching off the device, close the air outlet to prevent waste gas in the exhaust duct from backflow.